Thursday, June 6, 2013

Weller Court

Weller Court is an outlook of what a market or little shopping area would look like in Japan. It is incredible how many stores and restaurants there are in just one little place. But then again it has multiple floors. It was amazingly beautiful and it was such a great experience to be able to walk around and see all the places that there were. There were places that aren't typically found here in the U.S., unless you are in one of the Little Tokyo's that are located here. Weller court contains some exotic items and stores and food and different varieties of things. On the roof top of Weller Court you can witness most of Little Tokyo- such a beautiful sight. Weller Court has many fascinations. its quite fantastic.

Ellison Onizuka Monument

This monument was put up in memory of Ellison Onizuka and 6 other crew mates. It was built in 1990 by isao hirai. It is not only a statue of Ellison but on top of the statue was the Space Shuttle Challenger. The Space Shuttle exploded on January 28, 1986. It exploded after a little over a minute after lifting off. Ellison Onizuka was the first Asian to go into Space. It was a pretty amazing story of what they went through. This was the reason and significance of the monument.

Go For Broke Monument

Go for Broke Monument
The go for broke monument looks amazing.The go for broke monument represents the veterans that fought for World War II. It opened in June 5th in the year of 1999. The monument was a lasting memorial to the patriotic men that served their country.The 40 feet wide granite wasn't just there for nothing, it was there to represent the veterans that fought for their country. I was and still is very important in Little Tokyo.

James Irvine Japanese Garden

James Irvine Japanese Garden
The James Irvine Japanese Garden also known as せいりゅーえん (Seiryu-en)  which means Gareden of the Clear Stream. I would describe the garden as elegant and fancy. it is a beautiful and wonderful place. The pathway adds  nice touch to it, so it is like a walk-through kind of thing. It gives off a peaceful vibe. it was designed by  たけお うえすぎ. It was completely constructed by 1979. It was restored in 2008, it was made to be eco-friendly. The James Irvine Japanese Garden is the heart of Little Tokyo. It shows part of the beauty of Japan and the culture there.

Japanese American National Museum

Japanese American National Museum

This museum is the first museum in the United States to represent/ acknowledge Japanese American culture and history. There is lots of background on the Japanese American National Museum. It opened in the year of 1992. It displays the culture of Japanese Americans. The museum contains many important objects. It has many home movies of Japanese Americans. It also has artifacts, textiles, art, photographs, and oral histories. This Museum contains One hundred and thirty years worth of Japanese American History. Its quite amazing actually. The Museum was first located where the Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple. They then moved it in January 1999 to its current location.